CAP Breakfast with Anne Sophie Chaxel: Decision making and decision traps – how do rational people get it wrong? - For Corporate Ambassadors & Alumni Volunteers

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[Event for Corporate Ambassadors & Alumni Volunteers. 

To learn more about either programme or if you wish to join this event, please contact Lauren:] 

How are decision makers affected by information distortion? To what extent does this biais their decision making? How widespread is it, particularly today in times of Covid? What are some key consequences and how can we fight it? 

CAP Breakfast - Meet & Learn for Corporate Ambassadors & Alumni Volunteers

Decision making and decision traps – why do rational people get it wrong?

With Anne Sophie Chaxel, Associate Professor of Marketing at HEC Paris.

Thursday 20th May– 8:00am (London Time) / 9:00am (Paris Time)

About the session : 

In recent actuality and the ongoing current pandemic, we have seen leaders and decision makers in governments and companies make key decisions, in terms of strategy, rules and regulation that affect society and the world we are living in. Yet how do they come to these decisions? To what extent are their decisions biaised? How are they affected by information distortion and to what extent does this biais their decision making? How widespread is it, particularly today? What are some key consequences? Can we fight it?

In this morning coffee chat, Anne Sophie Chaxel will introduce the bias of information distortion, by which decision-makers change the interpretation of incoming information to fit their prior beliefs. This bias has been shown to occur unconsciously – making it very hard to fight off. It also has been shown to influence decision-makers in a wide array of domain such as medical decision-making, legal decision-making, consumer decision-making, and of course managerial decision-making. After reviewing how this bias change the interpretation of data, Anne Sophie Chaxel will explain how it contributes to creating echo chambers – and ultimately polarization in society

About Anne Sophie Chaxel : 

Anne-Sophie Chaxel is an Associate Professor of Marketing at HEC Paris. She received her PhD in Marketing from Cornell University’s Behavioral Economics and Decision Research Center founded by Nobel Prize Richard Thaler ( She also has two Master’s degrees, one in Management from HEC Paris and one in Research Methods from Paris Dauphine University in France. 

Her research has been published in  top consumer behavior journals, including the Journal of Consumer Research and the Journal of Consumer Psychology, but as well in top psychology journals, including Psychological Science and the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, in top organizational behavior journals, such as Organizational and Human Decision Processes, and in specialized judgment and decision-making journals, such as the Journal of Behavioral Decision-Making.

She has recently been identified as a 2019 Young Scholar by the Marketing Science Institute (, which recognizes young faculty members who are likely leaders of the next generation of marketing academics.

About the Meet & Learn Coffees: 

A series of informal talks reserved for Corporate Ambassadors and/or Alumni Volunteers to learn from HEC professors and experts, discuss with HEC senior staff and hear latest updates, and meet and connect with other Corporate Ambassadors/Alumni volunteers. 

Learn about becoming a Corporate Ambassador or an Alumni volunteer: 

  • The Corporate Ambassador Programme is a network of alumni who agree to help punctually HEC UK, to inspire the students, help HEC and foster synergies with their companies (talent, business development, purpose...). Their misions include putting us in touch with the right contacts in their company, giving a 1h talk on zoom to students, helping us organise a zoom event, etc.

--> View brochure & contact Lauren to learn more:

  • The Alumni Volunteers animate the community of 3000 alumni in the UK with 12 exciting clubs in the fields of Finance, Sociey & Organisations, Innovation & Leisure. Alumni help us organise events and connect with alumni from their clubs, while being part of a fun and dynamic team.

--> View brochure & contact Christina to learn more:

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