Ptich Masterclass: 50 shades of Pitch?

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Bpifrance welcomes you to an exceptional Pitch Masterclass 
on Nov 5, 2019 

On November 5, 2019, attend an exceptional masterclass at Bpifrance presented by Jacques Birol (H.74), the "Pope of pitching", and his special guest Aurélie Mesnil, Director of International Business Development and strategic partnerships at Bpifrance


Dive deep into the challenges of global business with the lighting of Aurélie Mesnil, and the pitchs of volunteers in the audience

Are there really 50 shades of pitch?
To which  extent should you adapt your pitch for an international audience?

Discover the nuances of pitching for an international audience either by pitching or providing live feedback: a real stress test for the master pitcher who lies in you!


Tuesday, November 5, 2019

18:30 - 21:30

At Bpifrance (6-8 Boulevard Haussmann, Paris 9)

Host: Jacques Birol (H.74) is the internationally recognized French expert in pitch. Founder-manager of LESS & MORE, he works at HEC and the MINES. Previously, he co-founded KELJOB.COM (went public in 2007) and chaired the agency PUBLICIS ETOILE. He completed his training with internships at UCLA and Stanford. He is the author of "52 tips to undertake and innovate ...", 2011 Choice of SYNTHEC Management. He vice presides the HUB to undertake of HEC Alumni.

Note: "Se positionner en Champion ©", "Pitcher en Champion ©", "Champion de son projet ©," Champions Pitch ™ ", are the subject of intellectual protections.


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Released on: Hub Entreprendre - Entrepreneurship Hub, Executive MSc in Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2019/J, Mastère Entrepreneurs 2019

Le hub Bpifrance

6, Boulevard Haussmann 75009 PARIS

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