Webinar "Craft your personal brand on Instagram"

9 participants et 8 intéressés
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Do you want to stand out from the crowd and communicate in a more creative way about your professional story? 

This webinar on personal branding on Instagram will teach you both the basics of authentic personal branding and concrete strategies on how to do it on Instagram - currently the most popular platform on the Internet.

You will leave with a mix of soft skills and concrete steps to apply immediately to your Instagram profile.

Previous participants said

  • "I already suggested to a HEC friend to follow this webinar next time - he is launching his own start up and Paula gave us many interesting and concrete tips about how to build our persona."
  • "To do absolutely! Great webinar. Everybody knows social media, however the webinar agenda provides insights that are both useful in term of personal branding and how to develop it on Instagram."
  • "Instragram rules and tools have significantly changed, be aware of the new ways of promoting yourself, don't miss this webinar!"

This webinar is for you if you want to communicate in an authentic, fresh and authentic way. These skills will be useful to you throughout your professional career whether you are an employee, an entrepreneur or looking for a job.

NB : This webinar will be held in English and will take place at 6
:30 pm (Paris time)

605 vues Visites
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Carrières - HEC Life Project
Diffusé sur : United Kingdom - UK
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