HEC UK Entrepreneurship: Founder Fireside Chat Series Launch with Ludovic Blanc (H.03), founder of BLANC

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Join the HEC UK Entrepreneurship Club as we launch our Founder Fireside Chat Series. 

In this series of casual conversations we will feature different HEC Alumni founders who will share with us their entrepreneurship story, experience, and any advice they have for future or current founders.

Founder Fireside Chat Series Launch

with BLANC founder Ludovic Blanc (H.03)

Wednesday 16th June 2021

6-7pm London / 7-8pm Paris


For our first Fireside Chat, we are honored to have Ludovic Blanc (H.03), founder of BLANC. In 2011, Ludovic ditched his investment banking career and created BLANC to disrupt the toxic dry-cleaning industry. Come hear him share with us his entrepreneurship story and insights on Fashion Tech and the circular economy.

The event will be moderated by Lucia Gonzalez Schuett (MBA. 19),  a true believer in circularity and sustainable business models. After graduating from the HEC MBA, she has worked for leading resale platforms Vestiaire Collective and now Depop, precisely building her career in the tech space empowering individuals to make the most out of existing goods. Lucia has also given two TedX Talks on consumption and the notion of access over ownership.  (TEDxHECParis: A year without buying / TEDxHHL: Think Twice Before Buying)


Please contact HEC UK Alumni Relations Manager christina.keo@hecalumni.fr for feedback or help to register to events.

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