Leadership Workshop: How to Make Active Choices

27 participants et 1 intéressé


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Have you ever :

  • Turned down a job offer, although it was really exciting ?
  • Assumed that if you were performing well in your job, opportunities will present themselves?
  • Thought that you can’t have it all, and had to choose between career and family life ? 
  • Felt more impressed than inspired by success stories of other women ?

If yes, then you will probably be interested in our workshop “Leadership to Make active choices”

This workshop is about getting out of unconscious and self-limiting choices. You will learn how to go from « I don’t want », or  « I cant’ » to « I want and I can ». This is a great aspect of Leadership.

This workshop is held by SHEMIN NURMOHAMED and MARINE AUBIN ; together they founded Carbon Leadership and they’ve just published « Outshine » a guidebook to achieve this conscious leadership.

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Leadership Workshop “How to Make active choice”

Tuesday 13th March 2018 from 12.15 to 2.15pm sharp (lunch cocktail provided)

Venue : Association HEC, 9, avenue Franklin Roosevelt, 75008 Paris

Limited places available

The workshop will be in English

Speakers’ bios :

Shemin Nurmohamed:

Shemin is currently the CEO for Pitney Bowes France. Prior to this role she held several CFO, Director and VP roles at local, EMEA and Global levels at several Fortune 500 companies. She has led several transformations concentring on the motivation of emerging teams; developing innovative strategies; building leadership capabilities; enabling diversity and continuously encouraging entrepreneurial spirit in large multinational corporations.

Marine Aubin

Marine Aubin is a French entrepreneur and consultant, with an expertise in innovation management. After beginning her career at Blablacar as an innovation manager and spending 4 years in a consulting firm, she launched her own structure to help companies on their innovation strategies and approaches along with designing user experiences. Marine is also the founder of WondHer. She seats on the board of the UN Women French Committee and is serving as president for Women and Inspiration, and gives workshops on how to take risks.

We will be pleased to welcome you in a friendly atmosphere. If you come for the 1st time to a HEC au feminine Workshop, let the volounteers of the organization team know. Do not forget your business cards, et feel free to come back to us if you have any question.

Copies of “Outshine” will be available for purchase. Marine and Shemin will be happy to sign their book for you!

All HEC au Féminin events are of course open to men, and if possible to your external guests.

Till then, you can follow HEC Au Féminin on our facebook page to be informed of our next events: https://www.facebook.com/HECAuFeminin/

For the HEC au Féminin event team,

Fabienne Salètes Lefèvre, founder DIGI-ACTIVITY

Helene de Saint Front, co-founder of B-HARMONIST

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Association HEC Alumni

9, Avenue Franklin Delano Roosevelt 75008 PARIS

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