Fireside chat with a Chanel Director

15 participants
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As we are aware that many of you are interested in having more penetrating insights on French economy and culture, we are launching this new format called “A fireside chat with …”. We plan to organize 2 or 3 such events a year.

The aim is to identify personalities of the economic or cultural world who have a deep understanding of French society while being completely open to the global environment and involved in worldwide projects and responsibilities. Ideally, they will welcome you in their home to chat freely about their activities and answer all your questions.

And what better way to start this series than with such an emblematic brand as Chanel, the epitome of French luxury and style!

Marie Bazin, Product Merchandiser and Fashion Expertise International Director at Chanel, will welcome members of the International Paris Chapter in her home for a Chat & Cocktail evening, to paraphrase the brand’s famous CC label.

Participation is 25 €.

Register soon, there won't be many accepted...

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Paris 6e

22, rue Jacob 75006 PARIS

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