Webinar "Silicon Valley Best Practices"

84 participants et 1 intéressé
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HEC Alumni, in collaboration with HEC Paris Executive Education*, offers a series of English webinars to give alumni access to top-level content wherever they may be.

Our next 45-minutes webinar will be: 

Silicon Valley Best Practices
12 April 2018 at 1:00 PM (Paris time)
 by Zachariah J. Rodgers

Why did Silicon Valley succeed, when the similar Boston Technology Area failed to take off?  What ideas and best practices can we apply to managing organizations? Drawing on experience both as an e-commerce entrepreneur in Boston and PhD studies at Stanford, Zach Rodgers will review some of the practices and ideas that have shaped and been shaped by Silicon Valley, including brainstorming and innovation-generating habits, "Design Thinking", as well as scaling, essentialism, and rapid iterative prototyping.

Zachariah J. Rodgers, Ph.D.

Research Fellow

HEC Paris: Center for Society & Organizations (SnO Center)

These webinars are free for fee-paying members of HEC Alumni. Tickets for non fee-paying members cost 20€.
 Once registered, you'll receive a link to connect to the webinar a few days before.

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