Webinar "Meditation and action" - 29 April

8 participants et 7 intéressés
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Have you ever wondered how high performance athletes, or great leaders, manage to leverage stress for success?
Their secret lies in their preparation.

The method: Mindfulness is a training of the Mind, Heart and Body.
By exercising our attention, we cultivate our quality of presence to ourselves and to others, we learn to manage our stress and our emotions, we see more clearly to make decisions, we gain freedom and we can choose where we want to put our energy to act effectively, consistent with our values.
Aurélie developed the MB WORK program (Mindfulness Based Work), which is already the subject of several scientific studies with very promising results, not only on physical and mental health (like classic mindfulness programs), but also on working relationships, performance, and leadership.

You will emerge with:
- a clear understanding of what mindfulness meditation brings to leaders in terms of Leadership, and how it can help and adjus action;
- tools to exercise your attention, regulate your emotions and reduce your stress level on a daily basis;
- the urge to practice meditation to be a better version of yourself!

 It's for you if you want to:
- reduce your level of stress;
- improve your relationships, your listening skills, your communication style;
- find well-being and meaning;
- develop emotional intelligence and regulate emotions;
- increase your capacity for distance, concentration, clarity of mind;
- align your decisions and actions with who you are / your values.

The speaker: with the objective of making work a better world, Aurélie Gillon (H.11) offers coaching, individual or team, as an act of internal transformation: by adjusting actions, aligning them with values and senses, it enables leaders and the management teams with whom she works to come into contact with their deep humanity, and thus develop their full potential. With a solid western intellectual base, her experiences in business and her experience of eastern contemplative traditions, she builds a partnership that allows in-depth work both individually and collectively, to the point of impacting the business and the 'organization.

Before being a coach and consultant, Aurélie managed teams and led a start-up. His commitment has forged his presence, his ability to listen and to receive, his kindness without complacency.

To her dual HEC and École Normale Supérieure (Ulm) course, Aurélie adds training as a clinical psychologist, coach, and several meditation certifications (MBCT, MBSR, CCT). Researcher, teacher and lecturer, she disseminates Mindfulness protocols within hospitals and companies, for which she created the MB WORK program.

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Carrières - HEC Life Project
Diffusé sur : United Kingdom - UK
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