Webinar "How thinking like a designer can help you build your professional vision" - 9 April

28 participants et 5 intéressés
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"Be yourself, the others are already taken" (Oscar Wilde)

How are you supposed to know what you want to accomplish in life ?
How should you select your next job ?
Which tools and actions will help you to identify your career path and follow it ?

Working as an independent designer, helping my clients create new products and services, I discovered that many design principles can be used in order to build your professional life.

In these 120 minutes together, I want to show you how thinking like a designer can actually help you build your professional vision.

I want to share some learnings of my own experience, I want to show you what science teaches us about some fundamental aspects of happiness at work.

And above all, I want to give you some tools and tips in order to feel less lost and lonely facing the designing of your career.

The speaker: Rémi Rivas (www.remirivas.com) is a consulting designer, cofounder of Ignited Kingdom (www.ignited-kingdom.com). His mission is to help organizations define, organize and implement their innovation projects.
His purpose: improve the performance of innovation methods, systematicaly debunk the risks and shorten the time to market thanks to design thinking, lean startup and outcome-driven innovation.

628 vues Visites
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Carrières - HEC Life Project
Diffusé sur : United Kingdom - UK
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