Webinar "Communicate with impact"

6 participants et 7 intéressés
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One of the main challenges that executives, managers and experts face in today's organizations is the lack of support from their boss and the poor collaboration across teams and silos. This often stems from communication issues, and it is not only frustrating, the consequences can be severe: delays in important initiatives, dificulties in bringing new products to market, safery risks... all with an impact on the bottom line.

As organizations become more complex, communicating with impact so you can mobilize others becomes a core skills. If you'd like to foster collaboration, gain influence and grow your career through compelling communication, this webinar is for you.

Speaker: As the founder of Career on Purpose, O'ona Souissi helps internationally-minded executives, managers and high-level experts to build a meaningful career.

12:30 Paris time

618 vues Visites
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Carrières - HEC Life Project
Diffusé sur : United Kingdom - UK
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