WEBINAR CAREER : "Cultivating your personal brand"

41 participants et 1 intéressé


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HEC Alumni, in collaboration with HEC Paris Executive Education*, offers a series of English webinars to give alumni access to top-level content wherever they may be.
Our next 45-minute webinar will be:
Cultivating Your Personal Brand
29 september 2017 at 18:00 (Paris time)
Dorie Clark from NY
Dorie Clark is the author of Reinventing You and Stand Out, which was named the #1 Leadership Book of 2015 by Inc. magazine. A former presidential campaign spokeswoman, she teaches at Duke University's Fuqua School of Business. Expert on this topic, she is a consultant and speaker for clients such as Google, Morgan Stanley, and the World Bank...
These webinars are exclusively reserved for fee-paying members of HEC AlumniTo book your place, please click hereTickets cost 10€.
You’ll receive a link to connect to the webinar a few days before the webinar.
Warm regards,
The HEC Alumni Team
* Consistently ranked among the leading Business Schools worldwide for Executive Education, HEC Paris Executive Education’s mission is to enable senior managers to anticipate and accompany their strategic change and development projects. 8500 participants take part in HEC Paris’ Executive Education programs each year.
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