Share and Grow Coffee Chat with Benjamin Depraz-Brenninkmeijer (H.13) - Why self-awareness can help you get what you want

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Dear HEC Alumni,

Join us for our next ‘Share & Grow Coffee Chat ’.  The concept is very simple: 1h on zoom to hear advice from expert alumni, exchange ideas, chat and share your experience on the topic with other participants.

Why self-awareness can help you get what you want
With Benjamin Depraz-Brenninkmeijer  (H.13) 
Friday 18th June 2021 
8.30am London / 9.30am Paris 


What drives you and the people around you? How can you get more of the things you want? What are you doing and how is this leading you to achieving your goals in your life?

About the session

What is astonishing nowadays is not that so many people are unfulfilled in their careers or in their relationships. What is astonishing is that so many people expect to be fulfilled in their careers and their relationships, when they don't even know their own Values. In iDiscover, the 'Values' we are referring to are quite different to what is often labelled as a value in the world of self-help, startups or management consulting. We don't mean aspirational traits or moral principles like 'honesty', 'respect', 'integrity' or 'teamwork'. We refer to something much more fundamental, and much closer to the reality of human behaviour. Discovering your actual values - rather than aspirational values - is truly liberating and empowering.

For our next session, you will begin to find out what actually drives you and the people around you; you will begin to understand how you can get more of the things you want and why discovering your actual values is so fundamental to doing so; and finally, you'll get a chance to take an honest look at what you are up to, and whether this is giving you the results you want from your life.

Benjamin's Coaching Session in Ibiza 


About Benjamin Depraz-Brenninkmeijer

Benjamin is a Partner and the Director of Business Development and Head of Coaching Division at iDiscover 360, a cutting-edge educational institute and business consultancy centered around human development and human potential.
Ben holds a double MSc in Corporate and Public Management from HEC Paris and Sciences Po. Paris (2013), and initially worked in investment banking in London before making a full shift towards executive and life coaching in 2015. He has trained in a wide variety of fields related to human psychology and behaviour, from hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming to high end sales and business leadership.
Ben has worked with a wide range of startup founders, C-level executives, self-directed artists and business consultants, and has helped them with challenges such as finding purpose, improving relationships, enhancing performance or increasing wellbeing in their professional and personal lives.

About iDiscover 360

iDiscover 360 is a school of thought for human development and life design in the modern era created in 2014 by Gal Stiglitz. It is a centre for the study and research of the self, human nature and the human condition. Our curriculum is a journey of self discovery, life design and self mastery which explores meaning, purpose and identity in a practical manner. We teach the theory and practice of building emotional intelligence, mental resilience, self awareness and leadership for the 21st century.


Please contact HEC UK Alumni Relations Manager for feedback or help to register to events.

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