Share and Grow Coffee Chat - Thinking of acquiring a home or investing in a London property?  - An introduction to London real estate

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Thinking of acquiring a home or investing in real estate in London? Curious to understand the trends, market, goods, types of goods, etc. of real estate in London?


Join us for our next ‘Share & Grow Coffee Chat ’.  The concept is very simple: 1h on zoom to hear advice from expert alumni, exchange ideas, chat and share your experience on the topic with other participants.

Share and Grow Coffee Chat - Thinking of acquiring a home, how to go about it in London?  - An introduction to London real estate

With Christophe Chambon (M.98), Executive Director & Co-owner at French Touch Properties

Friday 22nd April - 1pm (UK Time) / 2pm (Paris Time)



Whether you are considering moving to London, have just moved in or have been living in London for years - this session with French Touch Properties will give an overview of the London real estate (the market, the types of gods, rental investments, freehold vs. Leasehold & its consequences, etc.) and give you practical tips, keys of understanding to navigate your future investments. 


About French Touch Properties

French Touch Properties (FTP) is the expat leading property search agency in London and in Paris established in 2005. Their dedicated, professional, dynamic and welcoming team of experts is at your side to find and secure your ideal Home Sweet Home or the perfect investment. Their services include Lettings & Relocation services, Acquisitions, Property Management, Short Lets, Installation Services / Schools; Departure Services. All details:



Please contact HEC Alumni Relations Manager for feedback or help to register to events.

947 vues Visites
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Carrières - HEC Life Project
Diffusé sur : United Kingdom - UK
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