37 participants
La date limite de clôture des inscriptions est passée.

The Facilitator: Jacques Birol (H.74), is the internationally recognized French pitch expert.

Founder and manager of LESS & MORE, Jacques Birol has been coaching people in pitching for 10 years and teaches at HEC and les Mines business schools. Bpifrance chose his method to train a community of 3000 managers of expanding companies, and coach them in introducing themselves internationally. He also previously co-founded KELJOB.COM and was chairman of the agency PUBLICIS ETOILE. He is the author of “52 conseils pour entreprendre et innover..." (52 tips for entrepreneurship and innovation), SYNTEC Management’s "must-read" recommendation. He is the vice-president of the HEC Alumni Entrepreneurship Hub.

It is often said that the French come across as “depressed Italians”. What does that mean?  Is there a way to bring out champions?

This 5th PITCHMASTERCLASS by Jacques Birol will allow you to discover a new approach that answers these questions. It has been developed from workshops attended by several hundred entrepreneurs and managers over the last 18 months, either at HEC or with Bpifrance.

From the CES in Las Vegas to the French Touch in Seoul, not forgetting Abidjan, it has proven to be effective. The key is in asking the question that matters: How to be positioned as a champion? ©

This PITCHMASTERCLASS will be one of the first public presentations of “Pitcher en Champion©” (Pitch as a Champion). It is aimed at all mature or start-up business owners and managers , who address the future ambitiously.

The subject will be dealt with pragmatically, with role-plays and the presentation of a methodological tool.


ImportantParticipants will be asked to commit to not divulging the course content on the Internet or on social networks. This content is copyrighted by the author and, outside LESS & MORE business scenarios, is reserved for the use of participants that attend in person.

Important: places are limited to 50 (attributed on a first come, first served basis)

PLEASE NOTE: You must enroll on the website as it will not be possible to enroll in person at Station F on the day of the workshop

This workshop is exclusively reserved for fee-paying members of HEC Alumni.

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Station F

55, Boulevard Vincent-Auriol 75013 PARIS

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