LIFE PROJECT WORKSHOP: Riding the waves of life

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You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf !

Join us for a refreshing workshop and learn how to ride the waves (the challenges and changes) of 2021! 

In this  Life Project Workshop,  you will work with two highly experienced coaches, Sonya Shellard and Lucy Mullins, who are also the Course Directors of #RideTheWave Professional Coach training. They will navigate you through this interactive, inspiring and fun session to equip you with a toolkit to surf both your personal and professional waves of 2021.

Riding the Waves of Life
With Sonya Shellard and Lucy Mullins
Thursday 27th May 2021
1:00-1:45pm London / 2:00-2:45pm Paris


Who is this for?

For anyone who is experiencing challenges or change in their lives (the waves that hit) and/or is working with others to support them through change, perhaps as a coach, manager or leader of an organisation and their teams.

What will you experience?

An interactive and fun session to help you:

# Consider the challenges you are facing

# Assemble the resources that can support you

# Tackle the challenges with energy and determination

# Prepare for future waves

About Sonya Shellard and Lucy Mullins 

Sonya Shellard and Lucy Mullins are experienced professionally accredited coaches, coach educators, coach supervisors and trainers. They are both business owners running successful coaching and consulting companies working with a variety of clients including entrepreneurs, FTSE 100 companies, universities and charities. Sonya is Managing Director of Vector Group (UK) Ltd which has provided coaching and training services to a wide range of clients for over 25 years, whilst Lucy is the Co-Founder of the award-winning property fintech, StepLadder.

They both studied at the University of Oxford and are co-founders and co-directors of #RideTheWave an Association for Coaching accredited professional coach training programme (ACCT) whose core values are: #CelebratingDiversity #Community #SocialImpact #Laughter

About #RideTheWave 

A fresh and inspiring development experience for leaders, founders and people that want to make a difference in the world.

Like waves in the ocean, real life challenges are a natural and powerful force that impact us all. It’s how you deal with the waves you face that determine how you and your organisation will thrive and survive. Our mission at #RideTheWave is to coach you to not only surf these waves but to equip you with the knowledge and skills to help others stay afloat and reach new shores. 


Please contact HEC UK Alumni Relations Manager for feedback or help to register to events.

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