Kick-off Workshop "Personal (Re) Branding: Stand out from the crowd and get better opportunities by learning the essentials of a compelling brand" - Station F

21 participants et 5 intéressés
La date limite de clôture des inscriptions est passée.

The facilitator: Over the past two decades, O'ona Souissi has worked with senior professionals at blue chip companies and helped many people to reinvent their career internationally. She is a certified Executive Coach with a background in Global HR Development and Consulting, and an accredited member of the International Coach Federation. She coaches in English and French.

Tired of not being recognized for the value you bring?  
You’re not alone. Without a clear professional brand, most professionals and businesses are lost in the crowd. In the information age, it’s easier than ever to compare people and companies, and those with the strongest reputation get access to the top decision makers and clients. Therefore, they earn significantly more than those who stay generic. By contrast, when you’re not conveying the right image, you’re missing out.
As you’re reading this, you’re probably already convinced that you need to clarify your uniqueness. However, it can feel like a big task, and you may be wondering where to start.  
Whether you want to accelerate your career, manage a career transition successfully or differentiate your business from its competitors, you will learn the essentials of a compelling brand.

ImportantPlaces are limited to 50 (attributed on a first come, first served basis)

PLEASE NOTE: You must enroll on the website as it will not be possible to enroll in person at Station F on the day of the workshop

This workshop is exclusively reserved for fee-paying members of HEC Alumni.

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Carrières - HEC Life Project

Station F

55, Boulevard Vincent-Auriol 75013 PARIS


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