INVITATION - Afterwork event HEC Paris alumni in ZURICH on May 31st at 6:00pm

7 participants et 1 intéressé
La date limite de clôture des inscriptions est passée.

Dear All,

We are pleased to invite you to the next HEC Paris Alumni networking event in Zurich, which will take place on

Thursday 31 May 2018, from 18.00 until 21.30


Räffelstrasse 24, 8045 Zürich

On this occasion “FELFEL" Founder & CEO, Mr Emmanuel Steiner and his team will welcome us in their networking space for an evening, during which he will be sharing his start-up experience through a short presentation "Tell me where you work, I'll tell you what you eat” and entertain us with a cocktail evening, during which we will be served Felfel specialities accompanied by wine and soft drinks, compliment from the evening’s host (no fee required).

The presentation will walk us through the company concept and business model:

FELFEL has developed a technology that makes it possible for any company (as of 50 employees) to offer ultra-fresh and highly qualitative food, snacks and drinks at work. After an introduction to the FELFEL world and a demonstration of the smart fridge, they will present you how they use analytical processes to run the business and develop new products. As well as tell you how mathematicians and software developers became the best Food Scout of the company, revolutionizing one of the oldest industry in the world. The presentation will end with an interactive session during which a weekly menu will be designed: who is better, the computer or the participants?

We are looking forward to welcoming you to this exciting and quite unique evening. Please register until Monday 28 May 2018 by sending an email to

With kind regards,
Olivier RICHARD, President of the HEC Paris alumni chapter in Switzerland

with Julia GUSHCHINA and Pierre BOTTERON, our Zurich HEC Paris alumni representatives.

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Räffelstrasse 24 8045 ZURICH

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