HEC UK Art Club - Laughing Matters: An Experimental Art Project - With Xavier Roux (H.89)

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The HEC UK Art Club is delighted to invite you to its next event : LAUGHING MATTERS

During this webinar, the artist Xavier Roux (H. 89) will lead an art performance on Zoom experimenting with contagious laughter.  Actors, videos, and audio recordings as well as laughing yoga exercises will contribute to induce the public into laughter.

Laughing Matters: An Experimental Art Project

With Xavier Roux (H.89) 

Monday 5th July 2021 

6-7pm (London Time) / 7-8pm (Paris Time) / 1-2pm (NY Time)


Laughing Matters is an experimental art project aiming at inducing a laughter epidemic. In 1962, in Tanganyika, such an epidemic was reported and documented by two doctors sent by the UN to investigate. The epidemic lasted for weeks and led to cordoning off 5 villages. Inspired by this real event, Laughing Matters explores the contagious aspect of laughter. 

The event will be moderated by Joelle Deroy (H.88), London-based artist and Founder of Driving Change With Art. Xavier and Joelle met in New York City in the 1998 thanks to the HEC Alumni Association and they have joyfully entertained a peer-to-peer relationship ever since.

About Xavier Roux (H.89) 

Xavier Roux’s conceptual propositions are often formulated like invitations. The artist finds genuine satisfaction from defying old fashion ways. Roux trades the romantic ideal of the artist as the sole author of the work for a collective authorship. The works are conceived to gather people during performances and engage them in participating. Participation is both at their origin and a primary goal.

Roux’s projects typically involve a group of individuals acting one at a time. The work keeps a door open for coincidences, randomness and surprises to happen. Both people and chance are welcome in the process.

Roux’s practice is people oriented. He likes to connect personally to his participants. Discovery of the other and what can happen through this connection process is an integral part of the action.


Please contact HEC Alumni Relations Manager christina.keo@hecalumni.fr for feedback or help to register to events.

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