HEC Midwest Conference: Volcano-to-table; Microbes and the future of food

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The HEC Alumni Midwest Chapter is excited to invite you at the event with Thomas Jonas, CEO and co-founder of Sustainable Bioproducts, and HEC Alumni (H93) who will be speaking about the future of food and the new path to cultivate highly nutritious proteins in a radically more sustainable way.

Sustainable Bioproducts, a biotechnology startup backed by Danone and Bill Gates, has developed a breakthrough protein production platform for a variety of consumer and industrial applications. Stemming from research for NASA on extremophile organisms discovered in a volcanic spring of Yellowstone National Park, the technology is inspired by nature’s own resiliency and efficiency.

The event will be hosted by Christine Laurens (H94), CFO of AT Kearney in the Chicago office.


5:30pm: Registration

6:00pm: Presentation

6:30pm: Q&A

7:00pm: Networking cocktail

LOCATION: A.T. Kearney, Inc. 227 West Monroe Street, Chicago, Illinois 60606


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A.T. Kearney, Inc.

227, West Monroe Street 60606 CHICAGO

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