Crêpes & Climate Fresk / Joint event HEC x emlyon (P'ty mon, 15 Feb @ 19h)

11 participants et 1 intéressé
La date limite de clôture des inscriptions est passée.

Dear Barcelona HEC Alumni community,

We are very pleased to invite you to an upcoming HEC Alumni event co-organized with the emlyon business school Alumni community. As a new year begins, we invite you to join us in celebrating Candlemas by tasting delicious crêpes while learning about climate change through a Climate Fresk* ("La Fresque du Climat"), on:


February 15th, 19h @ Le P'ty Mon (Crêperie bretonne)

RSVP: => Scroll down for Booking & Payment
=> Bookings open until Feb, 10th.


This event is a great opportunity to reconnect with old classmates, meet new people from another French business school and extend your network while enjoying a good piece of French classical cuisine and learning more about climate change. We are especially looking forward to bringing together again our local HEC Alumni community in 2024. 


This is an unique event mixing tasting, discussing and learning, and we are really excited to see you there! This event is open to guests outside the HEC Alumni community (significant other, friend...)


Participation fee: 
HEC Almuni: 18€

Guests not from the HEC Alumni community: 28€ 

The fee includes a buffet menu of salted and sweets crêpes with wine & cider, as well as your participation to a Climate Fresk.

We really hope to see you there!


Yasmine Abdelaziz (H15) & Thomas Borel (H19) for the HEC Alumni Barcelona Chapter

Address: P'ty Mon, Passatge Lluis Pellicer, 13, 08036, Barcelona - Metro Hospital Clínic (Google Maps)

*If you want to know more about the Climate Fresk, please visit this website. 

340 vues Visites
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P'ty Mon Crêperie

Passatge Lluis Pellicer, 13 08036 BARCELONA

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