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Lights, Camera, Action: Unleashing the power of collaboration between brands and the film industry


Marketing & Communication


Have you ever considered the huge potential of collaborations between brands and the film industry? In this article, we delve into the different forms of partnership and the keys to success, with concrete examples of successful collaborations.

4 film industry experts share their advice, for HEC alumni only : Xavier Orsel (H.94), President of Piboost and former Managing Director of Pathé Gaumont France; Stéphane Huard (MBA.89), President of Sony Pictures France; and Louise Bluzet (H.15), Head of Partnerships & Promotions at Paramount Pictures France and Hugo Orchillers (H.15), Sales Manager for Product Placement at Place To Be Media.

Finding the right resonance: The art of collaboration

According to Xavier Orsel, the secret to successful collaboration between brands and the film industry lies in finding the right balance between intention and execution. It's essential to create a connection between the product being advertised and the cinematic element that integrates it, rather than simply pushing a consumerist narrative : « Perhaps the best example is Orange with Ciné Day: a crazy thing, a brilliant idea. At a time when Orange was creating itself as a brand, Orange wanted to change the narrative from container logic to content logic: the fact that they were partnering with the cinema to offer a €5 ticket to anyone with an Orange Ciné Day code was a revolutionary idea. With a relatively small budget (especially since they controlled the number of seats they distributed), they made the cinema environment their own. Indeed, they stayed in this partnership for almost ten years, which is a testimony to the incredible value for the brand ».

Rejecting the idea of relying solely on box office statistics, Orsel encourages brands to create a truly immersive experience for audiences.

Embracing uncertainty: The adventure of product placement

Stéphane Huard highlights the unpredictable nature of product placement in films. Brands must accept that they are embarking on an adventure with many variables and little control. To navigate this uncertainty, Huard recommends using specialised agencies that can help identify suitable projects and provide valuable insights : "There are specialised people in Paris, like Marques & Films or Place To Be media, who have the ability to receive projects and see your position as a brand, in relation to the audience, and say: 'This can stick with you. On your own, it's difficult. On the Paris market, for example, there are 1,000 scenarios floating around. It's abundant, you can't find it if you don't know the codes and if you don't manage to understand the people behind the projects".

However, even with professional guidance, there is always the risk that a scene featuring a brand will be cut during editing. Huard cites the example of a car brand that partnered with a sci-fi film, only to find itself in a lawsuit over dissatisfaction with the final product…

Taking risks and reaping rewards

On the other hand, Huard also discusses successful strategies, such as focusing on sequels or following Apple's example by providing free products to be used in films. A well-executed collaboration aligns all levels of communication and benefits both parties, as demonstrated by the partnership between the watch brand, James Bond and Hasbro's Nerf product in Mickaël Youn's film Fatal : « I was working on a film called Fatal, which is an adaptation of his character Fatal Bazooka with Mickaël Youn. It's a teen film and Mickaël has no problem with brands. They say: "I want to launch this product for teenagers". We discover the product in the film. There is a music video from the film where he dresses up as Fatal Bazooka with the gun and uses it. We release the film before the summer, which is the product launch period. All the toy stores promote the Nerf and release the product. And then there's a big hit. All the levels of communication are aligned. Strikes like that don't happen very often. »

A highly scripted integration 

Hugo Orchillers highlights the integration of McDonald's McBaguette in "Emily in Paris" as a prime example of successful product placement: "My biggest product placement success is the integration in Episode 1 of Season 3 of Emily in Paris. In fact, the whole episode was scripted around the McBaguette as we pitched this client to the Americans producing the show and they loved the idea so much that they wrote the script with the McBaguette in mind from the beginning. This resulted in a very scripted integration where the McBaguette is the main character of the episode, visible or present for over 7 minutes in total. And then Netflix France took over to launch a co-branded advertising campaign, mixing the Emily in Paris licence and the McDonald's brand, going so far as to put an Emily in Paris menu in every restaurant in the country. In the end, this campaign, which combined highly scripted product placement and a co-branded promotional campaign, resulted in a 25% increase in sales of the McBaguette compared to the previous marketing period."

Finding the right fit: Building the perfect partnership

Louise Bluzet stresses the importance of choosing the right project and working with the right partners for successful collaborations : « When you're running a brand, direct contact also works very well and it's part of my job to be in daily contact with the different partners and leading brands in France. Keeping them up to date on the latest franchises and projects, what ideas we can develop together and what storytelling we can build. Joining a franchise like Mission Impossible or Ninja Turtles does not have the same ambitions in terms of target and brand DNA. You have to foresee this, because these kinds of negotiations between studios and partners are done before the shoot, when you're preparing the production. »

Bluzet presents two successful examples: Bang & Olufsen's collaboration with director Damien Chazelle for the film Babylon and Porsche's partnership with the upcoming Transformers film. Both cases showcase well-executed 360-degree campaigns with strong synergy between the brand and the film.

Key takeaways for marketing and communications professionals

1.           Aim for consistency: Look for a connection between the advertised product and the cinematic element to create a compelling and immersive experience for the audience.

2.           Embrace uncertainty: Accept the unpredictable nature of product placement and work with specialist agencies to navigate the complexities of the film industry.

3.           Pick the right project: Be selective and work with projects that match your brand's identity and target audience.

4.           Scripted integrations:  to ensure a visible product with a product that is well integrated into the content.

5.           Be proactive: Stay curious about the market, engage with studios and partnership experts, and explore new storytelling opportunities.

The power of collaboration between brands and the film industry lies in the ability to create unforgettable experiences for audiences. By focusing on consistency, embracing uncertainty, picking the right projects, and being proactive partners, marketers and communications professionals can unleash the full potential of these partnerships and foster success for both industries.

Seize the chance to expand your professional network : HEC alumni and brand managers are invited to engage with leading experts in the exciting realm of brand and film partnerships.

Contact us at to establish these valuable connections.

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