HEC Executive MBAs visit to Boston - Panel & Networking - topic "WHY IS BOSTON A TOP INNOVATION HUB IN THE US"

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Bonjour, Hello,

On the occasion of the visit of the HEC Executive MBAs 'Innovate Like An Entrepreneur' to Boston this month, you are cordially invited to participate in the following sessions on October 26th and November 2nd. 

This event is organized in partnership with the FACCNE (French American Chamber of Commerce New England).

Sign up directly using the link: https://myemail.constantcontact.com/Special-Invitation-for-HEC-Alumni---October-26th-and-November-2nd-.html?soid=1102588435626&aid=KeCFJ3rtgCw

All these events are free.

Please join us in welcoming the HEC Executive MBAs to Boston!

A très bientôt,



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