Get-together with HEC German society in Munich - 25th of April, 19h30

10 attendees and 1 interested
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Dear HEC-Alumni in Bavaria,
(and the ones who might travel to Munich at that time...)

The HEC „German Society“ on campus is planing a Study-trip to Munich on April 25th and 26th. Two days long, 15-20 students from the HEC „German Society“ will meet with Venture Capital, Private Equity and Consulting companies in Munich. They would be very happy to meet the Alumni community in Munich. 

Come, meet and discuss with Students from the HEC „German Society“ in Munich!

Thursday 25th of April at 19h30

Café Neuhauser am Gärtnerplatz, Ecke Corneliusstr / Müllerstr.80469 München

Florian Förstl, HEC German Society and MBA-HEC 2025 (‪+49 178 915 33 20) will coordinate the evening, so do not hesitate to contact him, if you have any questions.

We are much looking forward to meeting you there. 

Best regards

To ease the organization, please be sure you complete your registration.

Claire Staudenmayer, HEC92 and Florian Förstl, HEC25

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Café Neuhauser am Gärtnerplatz

Ecke Corneliusstr / Müllerstr. 80469 MÜNCHEN

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