Festival HEC Life Project 2022 "WORK FOR GOOD : What if our work had the power to do us good ?"

178 attendees and 25 interested
35, Rue Saint-Marc
75002 PARIS
35, Rue Saint-Marc 75002 PARIS

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HEC Life Project Festival 2022

What if our jobs had the power to do (us) good?

4, 5 and 6 april 2022


HEC Life Project invites you to the 3rd edition of the HEC Life Project Festival on 4, 5 and 6 April. A three-day hybrid event to question our relationship with work, to get inspired, to explore and to experiment. 

What is the purpose of our work? Faced with the upheavals and complex issues that challenge organisations and our personal and professional lives, this question is being asked more than ever from a new perspective.

Climate emergency, transition of economic - organisational - managerial models, diversity and inclusion, mental health, the impact of our professional activities on the planet and on people is becoming central. The social contract of work, long based on "working more to earn more" is becoming "working differently to live better" in which the individual as well as the company have a crucial role to play.

This need for meaning and impact, which is shaking up our daily professional life, also brings with it new injunctions where the individual ideal often comes up against the complexity of global issues. However, we are convinced that each of us can act at our own level to have a positive impact on one's life and the lives of others . 

  • A programme to be composed à la carte according to your desires and needs (hybrid or 100% online)
  • Monday 4 April / 6-10pm: take part in our evening of inspiration and cocktail/networking at COMET Meetings Bourse, 35 rue Saint-Marc 75002 (in French / broadcast online)
  • Tuesday 5 and Wednesday 6 April: take advantage of 9 workshops and round tables 100% online (including 3 in English) to reenchant your professional project
  • Benefit from an individual online speed-coaching with one of our 15 professional coaches (FR/ENG) on Wednesday 6 April
  • An original HEC Alumni event to give momentum, meaning and more impact to your professional project

* Reserved for paying attendees and within the limits of available slots.  
This event is free of charge in online version for HEC students.

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We will have the pleasure of opening the Festival with an evening of inspiring talks and networking at our partner COMET Meetings Bourse*, broadcast online for non-parisians (all contents will be in French during this evening)

> [FR] 6pm - 8.30pm: Conferences & talks (live online broadcast)

- Keynote d'ouverture par Denis Machuel

Denis Machuel a été Directeur Général du Groupe Sodexo de janvier 2018 à septembre 2021. Il est aujourd’hui administrateur de Kyndryl, leader mondial des solutions de gestion d’infrastructures informatiques critiques. 

Table ronde "En quête de sens : pour soi et au coeur de la mission de l'entreprise" en partenariat avec l'Institut Society & Organizations d'HEC Paris avec :

    > Denis Machuel, Ancien DG de Sodexo & Noémie Gelis (H.23) 

"Etre Avec" : Concevoir l'entreprise comme un corps social / S'ouvrir aux autres pour avancer ensemble

    > Michel Lescanne, Président et Fondateur du Groupe Nutriset & Abraham Goh Dedi (H.25) 

"Etre Pour" : L'entreprise, un modèle pertinent pour une mission humaniste

Une table ronde animée par Cécile de Lisle, Directrice du Centre Purpose d'HEC Paris

Témoignages : 

Valérie Mas (H.00) Femme du Développement Durable 2021 - Co-dirigeante et co-fondatrice de WeNow

> Pierre-Etienne Bidon, Co-fondateur de moka.care 

> Louis Faure (H.17), Co-founder - Executive Coach chez Eotekum

> 20h45 - 22h : Cocktail et Networking (en présentiel)

> 20h45 - 21h30 : Networking (en ligne) 

*COMET Meetings Bourse, 35 rue Saint-Marc 75002 Paris. 

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A day of discovery workshops, to be followed according to your interests, to explore in a practical and eclectic way the different faces of the quest for meaning and impact in your professional life.

> [FR] 9h00-10h00 : Atelier « B Corp : les entreprises qui veulent être les meilleures pour le monde » avec B Lab France

> [ENG] 12.30pm-1.30pm (CET) : Workshop “IKIGAI : find your own good” with Sophie-Marie Gilbert-Desvallons

A webinar to help you grasp the concept of "Ikigai" - a.k.a "what makes your life worth living" - and facilitate its importation into your daily professional and personal lives...

About the facilitator:

Born in France, Sophie-Marie grew up in Ivory Coast and in England, and also lived in Spain. After working as a qualified modern languages teacher and as a trained actress, she then turned to facilitation, her core activity. Today she works as a certified trainer and state-qualified coach after a Master's degree in "Coaching - Personal Development in Business" at Paris II. Amongst other things, she trains adults in English and French on how to deal with emotions, public speaking, team cohesion and Ikigai, her personal passion.

> [FR] 13h30-14h30 : Atelier « Reprenez votre carrière en main avec la Démission Conventionnelle® : Virez-vous ! »  avec Thierry Krief, Président fondateur de NegoAndCo, professeur de négociation sociale et inventeur du concept « Je me vire® ». 

> [ENG] 6.30pm-7.30pm (CET) : Workshop "Situational communication for leadership” with O'ona Souissi

Many of the challenges that we face at work stem from communication issues. Lack of support from your boss or other stakeholders, poor collaboration within the team and across silos, difficulties with some clients or suppliers... Not only is it frustrating but the consequences can be severe: delays in important initiatives, inability to bring new products to market, safety risks... all with an impact on the bottom line. 

As organizations are getting more complex, communicating with impact so you can mobilize others and create positive relationships becomes a key skill. If you’d like to foster collaboration and build a meaningful career or a purposeful business, we invite you to join the “Communicate  with impact” Masterclass to learn the underlying principles of a compelling communication.

About the facilitator:

As the Founder of CAREER ON PURPOSE, O’ona Souissi helps internationally-minded executives, managers and high-level experts to build a meaningful career. To clarify your options and facilitate some key decisions for your career, you can find three complimentary frameworks at www.careeronpurpose.com.

> [FR] 19h30-20h30 : Table ronde « Impact jobs : comment avoir plus d'impact dans ma carrière ?» en partenariat avec le Hub Développement responsable d'HEC Alumni avec : 

- Sylvie Calais-Bossi, Responsable du Pole Raison d'Être/ Société à Mission chez des Enjeux et des Hommes

- Louise de Rochechouart, Responsable de pôle chez AVISE

- Bettina Reveyron, Social Impact Lead chez Doctolib

Une table ronde animée par Charlotte Lambert (Msc.20), membre fondatrice du Club HEC Transition. 

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Benefit from individual support during a 30-minute speed-coaching* session with one of our professional coaches and give your project a boost with our practical workshops.

> [FR] 9h30-10h30 : Atelier « Le pouvoir des compétences pour s’épanouir professionnellement » avec Priscilla Chazot-Magdelaine, CEO AKEEN - Révélateur de potentiels - Prix de la femme entrepreneure 2018 décerné par le CNAM.

> [FR] 11h-12h : Atelier « Recherche d’emploi : comment mettre le sens au cœur de sa démarche » avec Violaine Amigues (H.91), Co-fondatrice et Directrice associée de Kint et Romaric Chabert (EMBA.05), Coaching & outplacement de dirigeants. 

> [FR/ENG] 12.30pm-2.15pm (CET): Individual speed-coaching sessions* 

> [FR] 12h30-13h30 : Atelier « Le Flow : une nouvelle écologie du travail » avec Bernadette Babault, Appreciative Coach & Teacher - Corporate Flow Expert. 

> [ENG] 1.30pm-2.30pm (CET): Festival closing roundtable discussion : "It’s time to get personal – why activism can bring purpose to the workplace ?" with :

- Shaheena Janjuha-Jivraj , Associate Professor In Entrepreneurial Leadership And Diversity at HEC Paris in Qatar
- Gwen Hines, CEO Save the Children UK
- Nazreen Visram ,Head of Charities, Public Sector Team at Barclays & Co-chair of Embrace Multicultural Diversity Network

Working for a charity does not guarantee a sense of fulfilment and purpose. Working for a corporate does not mean giving up on having a sense of meaning & purpose at work; nor having to add additional volunteering out-of-office hours to this purpose. Managers, in all sectors, you have internal means to increase leadership as a catalyst for your company’s performance while adding value to the world. As an employee, you have a value to give your company that will enhance it’s purpose and mission in the world. 

This session will explore how, as a manager or an employee, activism can engage your organisation in doing good within the workplace and in the world; and help achieve increased leadership, innovation and overall performance.  

> [FR/ENG] 6pm-7.45pm (CET): Individual speed-coaching sessions*

*Speed-coaching is included with every purchase of a paying ticket, subject to availability.



About the HEC Life Project Festival:

The HEC Life Project Festival is HEC Alumni's major annual event that combines conferences, practical workshops, coaching and networking to rethink our relationship with work alongside those who are changing the world.

Do you want to explore the future of work and its changes, to discover inspiring, concrete and innovative approaches to meet the challenges that challenge companies as well as our professional and personal lives? Join us for the HEC Life Project Festival!

Contacts : 

Mathilde Courtois-Bastie

Marine Homo

*Videos / photos / recordings may be made during the Festival.

By registering to the Life Project Festival, the participant consents to the taking of photos/videos by HEC Alumni, which may use them, in whole or in part, free of charge, without any time limit and for the whole world in its communication documents (leaflets, invitations, etc.), its publications and website hecalumni.fr

If you do not wish to appear on the images (photos, videos), please contact the organising team.

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Released on: Adour et Gaves, Auvergne, Languedoc Cévennes, Côte d'Azur, Dauphiné Savoie, Lyonnais, Hauts de France, Provence, Sud-Ouest, Club Poitou-Charentes, Hub Développement Responsable - Responsible Developme...


35, Rue Saint-Marc 75002 PARIS

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