Workshop Higher Impact in public speaking - Station F

19 attendees


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Workshop "Higher Impact in public speaking"

IMPORTANT : This workshop is in English only 

No registration will be made on the day of the workshop

The Facilitator : Isabelle du Cluzeau (DEA Paris X, ESSEC 92), consultant, coach and trainer, collaborator of Sandrine Meyfret, author of the book “Gagner en impact, les clés du charisme, du leadership et l’influence” edited at Eyrolles and Director of Alomey, a Consulting Company focusing on unique and innovative methods to develop management skills.

A workshop to understand what is behind charisma, influence and impact. 

Be aware of what is a good presentation, a good speech and even a good email. 

Because you need it every day in your activities.

Speaking is linking

Speaking can be for sharing

Speaking is sometimes for fun, good words or jokes

And most of the time, speaking aims to put people into action, be it secret or not.

How do you SPEAK so that people want to ACT ?

We will be presenting a methodology adapted from advertising, promoting speech strategies and posture enhancement to captivate your audience.

Do you want to challenge your impact ?

Important: Places are limited to 50 (attributed on a first come, first served basis)

PLEASE NOTE: You must enroll on the website as it will not be possible to enroll in person at Station F on the day of the workshop

This workshop is exclusively reserved for fee-paying members of HEC Alumni.

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Station F

55, Boulevard Vincent-Auriol 75013 PARIS

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