Webinar "Understanding Digital Transformation"

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HEC Alumni, in collaboration with HEC Paris Executive Education*, offers a series of English webinars to give alumni access to top-level content wherever they may be.
Our next 45-minute webinar will be:
Understanding Digital Transformation
14 December 2017 at 1:00pm (Paris time)

Digital transformation is a key concern for large and small companies alike. But like with many of these hype topics, everyone is talking about it, while only few understand it. In this webinar, Kristine de Valck will demystify what is causing the digital transformation and what is needed to face the disruptions lying ahead. For her presentation, she will draw on insights gained during the EMBA learning expedition to Silicon Valley last month. 


Kristine de Valck is Associate Professor of Marketing at HEC Paris. Her research and teaching focus on how the Internet in general and social media in particular have changed consumer behaviour, organizations, and the marketplace. Kristine has developed numerous courses about marketing through social media, including an iTunesU course (2010) and a MOOC on Coursera (available as off 2018). She is the academic director of the EMBA major in Leading Digital Transformation, as well as the Luxury Chair co-holder that is sponsored by Kering.  

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