Webinar "Managing Fears, Anxiety and Stress during Pandemic Crisis - Lessons from Neuroscience and Mindfulness" - 1st April

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The world is facing the biggest sanitary challenge of our generation! Feelings like anxiety, fear, worry are absolutely normal. 

Most of us are overwhelmed by having to adapt to a lockdown situation, taking care of our children and vulnerable family members, while keeping connected with work, where we have to manage crisis situations.

In this webinar, you will understand the neuropsychological mechanisms of fear, anxiety and stress, and explore strategies to better navigate this crisis, while keeping mental and emotional balance. Fear is our most ancestral survival response. It has been very useful for our survival in evolution, but it also highjacks our thinking brains and generates stress that weakens our immune system.  

You cannot control the situation, but you can choose how you respond to it:

  • You can further fuel anxiety and stress by staying hooked to bad news and imagining all the worst-case scenarios 


  • You can react in a calm and rational way, focus on what we can control, and leverage the upside of stress using 3 strategies: 
    1. Building a daily routine to keep our bodies and minds healthy
    2. Leveraging the “challenge response”
    3. Activating the “tend and befriend” response

Staying healthy, physically and mentally, during a pandemic crisis is not an easy job. In this webinar we will go through practical advice to build resilience during this crisis, extracted from the B. M. E. Resilience Framework by NeuroMindfulness Institute: BODY, MIND, ENVIRONMENT.

If we individually and collectively address properly the ongoing crisis, we could grow collectively as a society from this experience. Sometimes societies need a wake-up call to transform. This might be it if we manage to address the crisis with a clear and compassionate mind, rather than from fear.

2 facilitators: Arnaud Complainville (MBA.05) and PhD, former BCG consultant, former VP Business Development and Veronica Brejan, EMBA, former CPO Europe Pizza Hut, former Global Head of Talent Vodafone, founders of the NeuroMindfulness Institute.

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