Webinar "Lead like a guide: How world-class mountain guides inspire us to be better leaders" - May 17th

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Expert mountain guides demonstrate a number of complementary leadership strengths that influence those they travel with in meaningful and lasting ways. 

While a guide’s summit bound clients may expect to learn a variety of technical skills during their climb, guides also expose clients to a masterful array of leadership strengths, which can drive home some life-changing lessons long after the adventure is over. Expert guides display the following characteristics:


With lessons learned from a decade of traveling with world-class mountain guides in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Peru, Patagonia, Nepal, and Iceland, Chris's presentation "To Be a Better Leader, Lead Like a Guide" will change how you think about leading in your own organization.

Dr Chris Maxwell is a Senior Fellowof the Center for Leadership and Change Management at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Prior to his appointment as Senior Fellow, he taught a leadership course at Wharton and organized and led over twenty mountaineering and trekking expeditions designed to builf leadership skills in business students. His travels have taken him to remote locations in North America, Quebec, Mexico, Patagonia, Peru, Iceland and Nepal. His work has been published in Organization Management Journal, Wharthon Leadership Digest, Wharton@Work, Knowledge@Wharton, The European Business Review, Journal of Surgical Education and The American Journal of Public Health. His book "Lead like a guide: How world-class mountain guides inspire us to be better leaders" was published in September, 2016. Chris holds graduate degrees (Governmental Administration and Applied Positive Psychology) from the University of Pennsylvania and earned a PhD in Public Administration from Penn State University. 

Carine Salvy is the co-Founder and Managing Director of Mountain Path, an advisory firm that designs and organizes outdoor corporate events based on an experiential learning approach in the mountains. She also founded CALLA Consult, a strategy and governance consulting business, and she is an associate of Associés en Gouvernance, a corporate governance advisory firm. She is certified by Bpifrance to advise French small and medium corporations involved in the bank’s growth programmes.

Carine has an MBA (ESSEC) and is certified by the French Institute of Directors and IEP. She worked as an equity research analyst covering the utilities sector for Paribas Capital Markets in Sao Paolo and New-York, and subsequently for Lazard and Société Générale in London. From 2005 to 2010, she was a fund manager with Ecofin, an investment management firm focused on the energy, utilities and infrastructure sectors. She was appointed CEO of Poweo in 2012 and lead its acquisition and merger with Direct Energie to create the third largest French alternative energy provider.

Carine is the Lead Director of PSB Industries, a packaging and specialty chemicals company, and she is a Director of Séché Environnement, a waste management and treatment company, of Teréga, a natural gas storage and transport operator, of NSC Group, a textile machine manufacturer, and of Réseau Entreprendre Haute Savoie, an association supporting new businesses.

6pm (Paris time)

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