HEC Life Project - Achieving Your Career Goals in Times of Uncertainty

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HEC UK Life Project: Building Your Project

Achieving Your Career Goals in Times of Uncertainty

By Joseph Liu: Speaker, Career & Personal Branding Consultant 

Thursday 18th June, 7pm Paris - Online


This Webinar is designed for you to learn how to reevaluate critical aspects of your current career situation, adjust your personal brand and mindset in a way that serves your ambitions, and create a concrete action plan to maximise your chances of accomplishing your career goals during this uncertain time.

Learning objectives:
1. Clarify your career ambitions during this time of global uncertainty.
2. Refine your personal brand to come across as a more compeling, attractive candidate during a time of market volatility.
3. Create an action plan so you can still achieve your broader career goals in the face of the global pandemic.

This pandemic has created the biggest global crisis we’ve ever faced in a generation. Beyond the human toll the outbreak has taken, market uncertainty and social distancing measures have resulted in many industries being hit hard and companies scaling back on hiring.

During this interactive webinar, we’ll walk through three important stages of managing your career and job search during these challenging times so you can still achieve your career goals admist the COVID-19 pandemic. 

You’ll also hear guidance on how to stand out and pitfalls to avoid from hiring managers and recruiters directly involved with hiring during this outbreak

About Joseph Liu: 

Joseph Liu is dedicated to helping professionals relaunch their careers by more effectively marketing their personal brands. His work is informed by 10 years of global marketing experience in the US and UK, managing brands including Glad, Liquid-Plumr, Gü Pads and Häagen-Dazs, his involvement with four major brand relaunches, and his professional career coaching for thousands of professionals around the world.

He now applies principles used to build and relaunch consumer brands to help aspiring business owners build and relaunch their personal brands. Joseph has served as a TEDx speaker and been featured in Forbes, Fast Company, Glassdoor, The Muse, Monster, Real Simple, SUCCESS Magazine, Balance, Thrive Global, The Ladders, and Career Builder. 

He's also the host of the global Career Relaunch podcast, which features inspiring stories of career change and has been ranked as a top 10 career podcast in the US and UK, with listeners in 153 countries.

Registration: on HEC Alumni (€) below OR on Ticket Tailor (£)

11€ / £10 for HEC Alumni Infinity Pass or Cotisants (Fee-paying Members)

22€ / £20 for HEC Alumni 

29€ / £28 for Friends of HEC & External Guests

*Videos / photos / recording may be taken during your event.

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