HEC Alumni - Focus Group Students/Recent Graduates (in English)

The registration deadline has expired.

Dear Recently Graduated Alumni,

Welcome once again to the HEC Alumni community. We were delighted to count on your participation at our recent online presentations outlining the different services of HEC Alumni and how to stay in touch with the HEC community once you have left the campus.

I’m writing to invite you to contribute to an important HEC Alumni project: redefining the Mission Statement and values of our association. 

As a first step in this project, all alumni were invited to complete a survey on the values of our community. Many alumni participated but unfortunately, not that many recent graduates replied. As this population represents the future of the association, we will organize some Focus Groups specifically for recent graduates to order to better understand their expectations from HEC Alumni.

We would like to invite you to participate in a highly participative Focus Group where you will be asked to explore different themes which emerged from the survey.

 This will take place by Zoom on the following date:

Thursday, 9 July, from 11-13:00 (CET) in English.

If you can join us, please confirm your presence by contacting Renee Ramsay-Nicol (renee.ramsay-nicol@hecalumni.fr) indicating the date which session you would like to attend. Please note that this meeting will be limited in size to ensure a maximum of interaction.

Once you are registered, we will send you the link for Zoom on Wednesday evening.

We hope you will be able to join us. We would very much like to count on your contribution.  

Warm regards,  

Janet O’Sullivan

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